
This tat stinks ! (Now I'm the one using bad puns)

Skull, Snake and a Sword

This happens when you want to have a radical, bad-ass tattoo a little bit too much.

Three Drunk Frogs

His only friends.

You Don't Know Jack

Almost a pun. Jack Sparrow looks like a Smurf ...

Bad Angel

Just because it's your back it does not mean that you can hire someone who should have finished his / hers art career at etch-a-sketch. And what's with the head ? Half a brain ?

Winged Retarded Mermaids

Even though it may not be finished, It's utterly horrific. These were supposed to be either two crippled angels (winged mermaids ?) or some kind of Voldemort babies


Yep, the punk will never die with fans like this one.


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